Carl Logan is a security operative for a mysterious government firm, the Joint Intelligence Agency (JIA), and has been for twenty years. However, the agency has turned on him and he's been framed for murder, forcing him to go on the run and delve deep into his past in order to discover the truth.
This book is fast paced and a good page turner. I read that the author was inspired to start the series by wanting to write a book that would keep his wife awake all night to keep reading, and I feel that this is a decent attempt at the genre. I enjoyed the story and the characters, especially enjoying the flashbacks to when Logan was being trained in the Scottish Highlands, as it was interesting to get an insight into a stereotypical, James Bond-esqe character and their motivations, although I feel that this may have been explored in more depth in the earlier two books.
Overall, I enjoyed the book, but if i was going to recommend this to other readers, I'd definitely advice them to start at the beginning of the series. It would be a good beach read I think, as it rattles along at a good pace with plenty of twists, turns, double crosses and bluffs. An enjoyable read.
Disclosure - I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.